♥ post 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one post and why

on Saturday, January 5, 2013
I want to switch lives with a guy! Hahaha. Preferably a good-looking one. Maybe Danielle Padilla? ahahaha. NO.
Say, maybe my ex-classmate Sebastian. (GATB: idk if you remember him from my last blog or from the message thing. You know, the bad punk dude. hahaha)
I chose him because he's a guy... and good-looking. HAHA. Plus we live in a totally different world. he's sort of an underground rockstar with all the party stuff going on (I can't say drugs and girls. LOL. cause I don't really know if he does..) and the many gigs they have with his band everywhere.

I won't want that kind of life though. It's not worth living for. But this is just for one post right? hahaha.
If we switch lives I'm sure to experience things as a guy (not the churva thing though, other things). i'd probably hit on girls and feel all cool. I always wanted to know what it feels like for guys to like girls. I mean is it by nature that they like so many at the same time? Though girls also do that, but we know that we only have one favorite. But they flirt with many girls, do they like one girl at the end of the day? Or try all and see who they like the most? I also want to style guy's hair and dress awesomely cause it's easier to dress up guys than girls. hahaha. And guys can also eat so much and still have abs. >w< I want to feel my own guy abs. bwahahaha. Then there's this thing about courting girls, the guys do all the effort but I guess it's also hard. They never know if the girl will say yes in the end. hahaha.

*sigh* oh the things a guy can do. But you know what, in the end, I'd still want to be me ;) HAHA
Cause I am awesooooome~
But I think if I were a guy, I'd also be awesoooome~ :D hahaha

PS, sorry guys. This feels like a nonsense post. bwahahaha


ezara said...

hahahaha it was a funny post, page x3 haha abssss ~ i want abs. *_* i think guys like girls the same way we like guys though. Like they also have their favourites. but i guess it depends on the person.. xD

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