♥ post 26- What you think about your friends

on Saturday, December 8, 2012
Since I'm bored, I'm making this post. hahaha.
The rest of the gatb made gatb posts already. So I'm making one too, though without a picture. There's a separate post for that. hahaha

Girls At The Back:: Ezzy, Frany, Lorry, Angel, Penda, Nikka & pidodido

Most awesomest friends I have since high school.
I really truly love this set of friends. They taught me a lot and we have been through a lot. I love these girls so much and I miss them all ever since we started college and started getting busy. Because of them, I became a bookworm, a gamer, became closer to God and I became a better person. They understand me when others can not, I can always be myself with them. I feel more me with them and that makes me very happy.

I miss our lunches together in school, the times we just roam around Ket kai, going to ezzy's house or penda's house and bonding moments in Mcdonald's. *sigh* Sometimes, when I think randomly, I always remember my high school years with them. When we were still so young and naive, just doing whatever we want. But life must go on and now our friendship have reached this far. Despite the distances, we still communicate and update ourselves through FB and blogs. Thank God for technology. haha. Though Nikka doesn't have one nor does she chat much in FB but whenever we see each other it's like we were never far apart. hahaha. That's the awesome thing about GATB. We are always close to each other's hearts. haha.

(sorry it ain't that cheesy. hahaha. I got lazy. I'd be saying the same thing in lorry and ezzy's posts. so yeah. haha)

Waah, Special mention. So Fido and I got close in 3rd year because we became classmates and he's Fran's boyfie then until now. It was awkward at first because he is Fran's boyfriend and I am not used to my friends' boyfriends or anything so it was something new. But then we got along pretty well cause we play Dota and stuff. Until I considered him my best friend cause we are awesome that way. Fido is a really good friend just like a loyal dog. HAHA. sorry. Anyway, yes he is and I can feel that he really cares for Fran and for us Gatb! That's why we love Fido~ hahaha. Yeahp. That's all. :P

Pen, Hideki and Ella::

So ever since I got here in Manila, I met and got to know these people. Ella is from cdo so we got close pretty fast. She's a nice friend and she's fun to be with. She's outgoing and friendly, sometimes I envy her ability to talk to people with ease in filipino. Though sometimes she gets paranoid easily and pessimistic, she's really kind and generous to others. I talk to her about a lot of stuff mostly about school and our classmates. hehe.

Pen is so tall, I really like that. hahaha. Anyway, Pen was the first classmate I ever talked to because he approached me on the first day of school. He's a baptist to we share the same beliefs which made me happy that I have someone to talk to about our faith since it's hard to find one in a catholic school. But I recently discovered that there are a lot in the music department who are non-catholics. haha. But I'm not so close with them so I just talk to pen. hehe. Plus me and Pen always go home together cause we use the same way. He is smart and sometimes childish since he is still young, but when it becomes serious he can be very wise and reasonable. I consider him a very gently guy. :D

Hideki is so sentimental. LOL. Anyway, Hideki is half jap and it's fun to talk with him cause he talks a lot about anything. He was a bad boy before but now he is getting good because he said he has friends like us who are not BI and stuff. He still swears a lot though but at least he quit smoking. Hahaha. He is very sentimental that it shows in his music when he plays the piano which makes him very musical. I admire his musicality and determination to improve. He learned so fast. hahaha. He can be annoying at times but he's really sweet and a good friend especially to ella because they are meant to be. hahaha

That's all! woooh.


ezara said...

miss you peggy ~

promisetohush said...

Haha you make all your friends sound 200000x cuter than they are in your post. Must be because of your choice of words XD

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