on Monday, December 31, 2012
I think I had a pretty good year :)


My debut recital on April

The Mangima accident that I got into that gave me my battle scar on May :D

Then the rest of the year I had a great time at my new school in a totally different environment with different people!

Twas a good year. 
2013 will be so awesome :D

on Sunday, December 23, 2012
Dear Mama and Papa,

    I don't think you would find this and I know I'm not always grateful for the thins you guys do for me. I just want to say thank you so much for everything! For the lessons, values, encouragement, advices, fun moments, sad moments, the love and many more to mention!

    I really am blessed to have parents like you. SUPER. I thank God that he gave me awesome parents. Sorry for the things that I have done that disappointed you guys are made you mad. I guess that's part of being a parent and my part for being a hormonal teenager daughter :P

    I can't imagine having different parents. You may not be the perfect ones but you are definitely the best for me and my sisters. :) I hope someday I will make both of you proud and I will make your lives easier in the near future! xD


                                                                                                    Love, Peggy
on Wednesday, December 19, 2012

So I checked my FB to find this on my inbox. AAWWW. 
The person who PMed me is my former piano student, one of my firsts. His name is Angelo Nolon. I felt so giddy and touched. awww, so sweet and cute of him to send me a message. Bwahaha, I feel the love <3 

But seriously, he's such a jejemon. Just look at the way he types. Plus he doesn't call me "Ate Page", parang ka-age lang teh!? He's around 10 now I think. hahaha. 
Oh well, still so cute~ :)
Made my day.  hahaha

on Saturday, December 15, 2012
As I was reading Ezzy's post and Lorry's post about this, it got me thinking that there are really a lot of people who are like me, but the difference is, they are not ME. BWAHAHAHA
I'm sure there are many Pages in the world or perhaps Page-like people who are like me. Even better, prettier or smarter. I will never know.

I guess to put it simply, I am who I am. The traits I have, my personality, talents, behavior and looks makes me who I am. There may be people like me but they will never be me, Page the awesome.

Hahaha. Sorry for the short post. I is getting lazy with this challenge thing.

on Friday, December 14, 2012

LOL. Okay, I'm bored so I'm flooding you with baby pictures of myself. :P



I think the only thing that changed is my hair. LOL. 
And judging by the pictures. I WANT MY LONG HAIR BACK. 
And I am never going to cut my hair THAT short AGAIN! hahaha. But I did not regret cutting it though. My hair grows so sloooow. Good thing I am patient. :D

Another thing is, I have improved on my tagalog skills! hahaha. I think I have also learned to be a little more disciplined and hardworking. (CHAR. FEEL LANG NAKO HA.)

Here's another recent picture of me just taken this week. 

My hair looks better now. Atleast I don't look like a lesbo now. HA.
But I am definitely going to grow my hair loooong, and curl it again but this time I will curl it at a worth it salon. Maybe Tony and Jacky or somewhere else. :D


on Thursday, December 13, 2012
Right now, I'm so frustrated and confused. So this will be a ranting post.

To start with, I will introduce you GATB to Mykell or Kell. He was my Comm arts seatmate last sem and we became close because of that. He's a really cute guy plus he's a cosplayer haha. Anyway, he likes talking to me a lot in comm arts and like squeezing my fat arms and stuff. So yeah. He says cute stuff like "i like page... because i love page....i am awesome that way... page hates me...you're lucky that i love you.." something like that because I don't know why, but it was okay with me cause he's so cute and so I played along. Hahaha. But I don't say anything, I just smile. :D

Then this sem I thought we won't be that close anymore because we're not seatmates but he still treated me the same way so I was happy. Then recently, another classmate of mine whose name is Kenneth, sort of made me his trip too. So he would go near me and pretend to like me and all but I know he's just joking so I just did nothing or just played along. He would ask me on a date and I'll just give him a face. LOL. Obviously, he's joking. He's just doing that cause then Kell would see him and Kell would react and pull me away from Kenneth. So that's how it's been, they would asar each other and 'fight' over me. It was okay with me cause it's amusing. 

And today, Kelly did not acknowledge me at all. He IGNORED ME. I don't know why. So I was a bit sad cause he didn't go near me at all. Anyway, to make the story short Kenneth sort of got mad or  something? Because he said I should've said that I really like Kelly. WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN. ARE YOU MAKING ME CHOOSE?


that is all. Wew. Whatever will happen tomorrow whether they ignore me or what. I DO NOT CARE.

on Wednesday, December 12, 2012
I can still add some to this, but so far these are the ones I'm thinking.

1.) I definitely want to finish my music course! And Godwilling, on time! :D
2.) Work and have fun working!
     Hopefully in God's perfect time, our dream music school in CDeO will be established! So of course I shall go back to my home town and teach music there. Then maybe I will go to the states and work there in my Aunt's music school.
3.) I still want to be a painter, photographer and make up artist! I will try to make them as sidelines in the future just for extra cash or for fun :)
4.) Of course, I would want to get married to the person God will give me! <3
     We will make a family and will have good and bad times together! So fun~
5.) I would definitely want to be involved in helping other people through my talents and capabilities! I don't know how though.
6.) Use my talents for the church ministry.
-Not sure how to do this but I'm sure it would have something to do with music haha(duh). I'll probably be the keyboardist and I can also manage the choir cause I'm gonna have conducting class soon like around 4th year. Yey!
7.) Travel the world!!! :D

I guess that's all so far. >w< hahaha
on Tuesday, December 11, 2012
I don't even know why I have a nickname when my name is in its simplest form. Ha. People.

  • Peggy
This is a really old nickname from my childhood and only a few people call me this now. Only my family (usually me parents. My sisters just calls me Ate page), childhood friends( like Mikee, Moco, Jean, JB etc), some elementary friends(Patrick, Viel, Frany etc), Churchmates who knew me since I was kid and some relatives. 
Penda and Frany calls me peggy most of the time.

I get a weird feeling when people call me peggy except for the said people above. But I like this nickname cause it's cute and people who call me this I consider as special. chhhar :D

  • Padge/Pajo/Pajoji
I forgot where this started, maybe around 3rd year high school? O_o 
Well, I think I mentioned to my friends about my mom calling me papaj or popaj sometimes, so I think they tried calling me that and it became one of my famous nicknames! Fido calls me padge, Clenard calls me padge, Lorry calls me padge, I think the boys in my high school calls me padge because of Dota or something. hahaha. 

I like this nickname cause it has some kind of casualty ring to it. :D

I think that's all. There's turdong but  nobody really calls me that. LOL. 

on Sunday, December 9, 2012
I really wish I didn't have the habit of putting things off for later and making plans then not doing it in the end.

I get so annoyed at myself, gosh.
I always make plans like "okay, imma clean after this...I'm going to finish this today.... I should start on this..."

In the end it will leave me to pressure myself to finish the task at the last minute which will result in not so good outcomes. >:((

In other words, I AM A LAZY PERSON. :((

And I should do something to stop this. hahaha.

on Saturday, December 8, 2012
Since I'm bored, I'm making this post. hahaha.
The rest of the gatb made gatb posts already. So I'm making one too, though without a picture. There's a separate post for that. hahaha

Girls At The Back:: Ezzy, Frany, Lorry, Angel, Penda, Nikka & pidodido

Most awesomest friends I have since high school.
I really truly love this set of friends. They taught me a lot and we have been through a lot. I love these girls so much and I miss them all ever since we started college and started getting busy. Because of them, I became a bookworm, a gamer, became closer to God and I became a better person. They understand me when others can not, I can always be myself with them. I feel more me with them and that makes me very happy.

I miss our lunches together in school, the times we just roam around Ket kai, going to ezzy's house or penda's house and bonding moments in Mcdonald's. *sigh* Sometimes, when I think randomly, I always remember my high school years with them. When we were still so young and naive, just doing whatever we want. But life must go on and now our friendship have reached this far. Despite the distances, we still communicate and update ourselves through FB and blogs. Thank God for technology. haha. Though Nikka doesn't have one nor does she chat much in FB but whenever we see each other it's like we were never far apart. hahaha. That's the awesome thing about GATB. We are always close to each other's hearts. haha.

(sorry it ain't that cheesy. hahaha. I got lazy. I'd be saying the same thing in lorry and ezzy's posts. so yeah. haha)

Waah, Special mention. So Fido and I got close in 3rd year because we became classmates and he's Fran's boyfie then until now. It was awkward at first because he is Fran's boyfriend and I am not used to my friends' boyfriends or anything so it was something new. But then we got along pretty well cause we play Dota and stuff. Until I considered him my best friend cause we are awesome that way. Fido is a really good friend just like a loyal dog. HAHA. sorry. Anyway, yes he is and I can feel that he really cares for Fran and for us Gatb! That's why we love Fido~ hahaha. Yeahp. That's all. :P

Pen, Hideki and Ella::

So ever since I got here in Manila, I met and got to know these people. Ella is from cdo so we got close pretty fast. She's a nice friend and she's fun to be with. She's outgoing and friendly, sometimes I envy her ability to talk to people with ease in filipino. Though sometimes she gets paranoid easily and pessimistic, she's really kind and generous to others. I talk to her about a lot of stuff mostly about school and our classmates. hehe.

Pen is so tall, I really like that. hahaha. Anyway, Pen was the first classmate I ever talked to because he approached me on the first day of school. He's a baptist to we share the same beliefs which made me happy that I have someone to talk to about our faith since it's hard to find one in a catholic school. But I recently discovered that there are a lot in the music department who are non-catholics. haha. But I'm not so close with them so I just talk to pen. hehe. Plus me and Pen always go home together cause we use the same way. He is smart and sometimes childish since he is still young, but when it becomes serious he can be very wise and reasonable. I consider him a very gently guy. :D

Hideki is so sentimental. LOL. Anyway, Hideki is half jap and it's fun to talk with him cause he talks a lot about anything. He was a bad boy before but now he is getting good because he said he has friends like us who are not BI and stuff. He still swears a lot though but at least he quit smoking. Hahaha. He is very sentimental that it shows in his music when he plays the piano which makes him very musical. I admire his musicality and determination to improve. He learned so fast. hahaha. He can be annoying at times but he's really sweet and a good friend especially to ella because they are meant to be. hahaha

That's all! woooh.

on Friday, December 7, 2012

So today was the recognition day for the dean's listers and honor's circle. hahaha. I'm so happy because it is my first time to achieve something academic since elementary. I wasn't even honor once in high school and now that I'm in college I am a dean's lister~ oh ehm gee!

I would like to thank my parent's, uncle and aunties who supported me financially, and most especially to God for he has given me favor! I really did not expect because I computed my grades last time and it was around 3.30, I guess I computed wrong. hahaha. wooooh. Thank you Lord! I give you back all the glory and honor! :D
I hope and I will try to maintain this achievement this sem! :) 


This, I think is my most recent which was taken at paco park last friday (nov 30) with ella. hahaha

Let us now go to 15 interesting facts about me! mwahaha! I'm sure it's not that interesting. I will try to put something new for the Gatb. hahaha.

First.    I have ugly feet..? hahaha.
Second.    I am a very unorganized person. My room is messy, my bag is mess, my handwriting is messy even my thoughts cannot seem to organize themselves. hahaha.
Third    I really love make up. Though I don't use it much on myself. I like giving people make overs and I like looking at nice branded make up lines <3 <3 I want to be a make up artist someday too. yeahp.
Fourth.    Sometimes I act smart and all but I don't really know what I'm talking about. LOL
Fifth.    My hands sweat alot. Like A LOT. It's such a sad fate for an awesome girl like me. I can't hold hands with anybody or touch things with out getting them fairly wet. *sigh*

Wow, this 15 facts are really hard to come up with.

Sixth    I may not look like it but I am actually an emo-ish person. Like I drama with myself often. Especially on emoting times. LOL. :P
Seventh    I'm pretty lazy. hahaha
Eighth    I think I work faster under pressure. If I know the deadline is still far away, I would not do a thing at all until the night or a few days before. haha Sometimes I hate that part of myself. xD
Ninth    I like computer games like DotA, counter strike, call of duty, left for dead etc. Haha. But I'm not much of a gamer. xD
Tenth    I'm oblivious to most things. Sometimes I act like I don't know but most of the time I really don't know what's happening. hahaha
11th    yes, I numbered it in the end. Anyway, I have a scar on my upper left cheek. haha. boom
12th    I hate horror movies but I still watch them with my friends. :) and then they make fun of me. =w=' ahaha
13th    I like the rain because its cool and the environment gets a little dark which I like. >:D<
14th    I'm happy this thing is almost over. I have stage fright always. ooor maybe most of the time.
15th    Yes! This this is over :P ~ I have a problem in saving money. I can't seem to do it right. xD

on Tuesday, December 4, 2012
So to actually put something in my new blog. Imma do the challenge thing. haha
30 day blog challenge

♥ post 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
♥ post 02- The meaning behind your Blogger name
♥ post 03- A picture of you and your friends
♥ post 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
♥ post 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
♥ post 06- Favorite super hero and why
♥ post 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
♥ post 08- Short term goals for this month and why
♥ post 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few posts
♥ post 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
♥ post 11- Another picture of you and your friends
♥ post 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
♥ post 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
♥ post 14- A picture of you and your family
♥ post 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
♥ post 16- Another picture of yourself (baby pic!)
♥ post 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one post and why
♥ post 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
♥ post 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
♥ post 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
♥ post 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
♥ post 22- What makes you different from everyone else
♥ post 23- Something you crave for a lot
♥ post 24- A letter to your parents
♥ post 25- What I would find in your bag
♥ post 26- What you think about your friends
♥ post 27- Why are you doing this 30 post challenge
♥ post 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
♥ post 29- In this past month, what have you learned
♥ post 30- Who are you?

I might not do some. hahaha

Woow, so hey there. That pic of me is old. I can't find nicer pic of recent me. haha.

I decided to make this blog because all the gatb are doing it, except nikka. hahaha. So here gatb.
I don't know how to do introductions, but since I'm awesome that way you would have to bear with this.
So I think only gatb can find or read this, unless you are one of my stalkers. hahaha ;)

I'm Page bebe~
Currently studying at St. Scholastica's college, Music education student with piano principal instrument. First year.
I guess that's all. LOL

Okay. Imma add stuff. Well, I really like eating and sleeping. Especially the sleeping part. I love the color red, I like reading books, I can draw and dance awesome.

That's all for now. hahaha. boom!
I found a pic, but it's not that good. LOL. it will do for now.