on Monday, July 28, 2014
Oh ehm, I have been gone so long. hahaha. Well, because of obvious circumstances: Laziness, Busy sched, totally forgot about this blog until GATB kept mentioning in our message convos and I forgot which account this was so good thing I remembered the password and email. 

Okay, a short or not short update on my life for the past year. It's been 1 year and 1 month since I updated. hahaha. 

So summer 2014 was quite long for me because it was 2 months vacation. I taught piano and drawing and painting to children in Bright Rock. It was okay though it was mostly boring and I only kept on passing the time with my students. At least I got a salary which I don't even know how I spent it cause now it's gone :( lol. I don't know if I mentioned this before to GATB, but my  mom was planning on working in Indonesia because there were many benefits and she could have a her masters there for free, plus her children can go to that International school for free if she would go. But her elder brother/boss, did not allow her to go because she would be leaving the BRS and he doesn't trust anyone else to handle the school. So it was sad, cause we wanted her to go and a lot of people wanted her to go but she didn't. Ugh. So anyway, I'm sure God has another plan for us, I wanted my mom to go so she could support my studies and also for Myles cause our course is really expensive :( But I will have to trust on God's provision and plan. I know he won't let us go to poverty. hahaha. 
So yeah, that Indonesia plan was cancelled, so Myles and I are now living together in our Uncle's house in Manila. It's been great really, I love having her here, it is less awkward and less quiet in the house. Plus, she's like my personal yaya. bwahahaha. I can order someone around >:) lol Myles is doing well so far, she's still adjusting but she is having fun. Everybody says we have the same voice, it's quite amusing. Haha

So now about me, lately I've been down and demotivated because I am now on my 3rd year in this music course but I don't seem to progress in my instrument. So it made me moody, worrisome and very lazy. LOL. I mean not lazy, just not in the mood to practice. I don't know why, I kept on thinking about the future, and I fear of what will happen. A lot of people are expecting a lot from me, so that also adds to the pressure. But last week, I watched a piano concert of a pianist I really admire since I was younger, and that concert really helped me up again. So now I guess I am okay, I am more motivated to practice now, I can't turn back on my course. All my friends say I'm going through a phase, so I should not give up :) 
So I guess that's it ? :D

And one last thing, I'm so excited to see my homie Ezzy bebe!!! hahaha. After 4 years? woooooh!