on Sunday, March 31, 2013
The question that seems easy to answer but it's really not. Sometimes people think they know themselves but in truth, they don't know half themselves until they hear it from other people. Other people know though, who they are and what not. On the other hand, I think I pretty much know myself. Like probably 3/4 of myself anyway. hahaha.

So who am I? I am a nineteen year old girl who loves music. Daughter of Alger and Sue Maandig, Elder sister to Myles and Shane. I go to a music school here in Manila. I have awesome friends here as well as in my hometown CdeO and also in places like in Aussie. ;)
I love food, and I spoil myself when it comes to that. I don't usually care about my weight when I was in CdeO but ever since I started school in Manila, I've been fattening. Not a good thing. So I watch out now.
I'm an okay artist, I make decent artwork and rarely awesome ones.
I'm a pianist in progress, I just realized that it's not easy becoming a good one. It takes time, discipline and sacrifice. Lots of those. Knowing myself, I'm a pretty passive person and lazy most of the time. I really dislike that part of being me, it gets really irritating sometimes. So Imma work that part of me so that I can level up faster in piano :D
Hmm, I think mature most of the time. Hey, I'm nineteen now I have to think out from my 17 and 18 year old self. So yeah. I'm starting to think more mature but sometimes I just feel so immature :( I don't know why. I feel like I'll forever think like my 17 year old self. hahaha.
I'm a very shy person and so I tend to be very quiet but when I'm around close friends especially the GATB, well I'm not shy. hahaha. But most of the time I'm really quiet. I know I lack confidence, so Imma work on that too.
What else? I'm getting lazy nah. So I'll leave it here. hahaha.

At least I made a long ish post right? hahahaha :P
on Saturday, March 30, 2013
LOL, I must finish this thing.

I learned not to make the minor subjects major.

Practice a lot.

Piano pieces cannot be crammed.

It's okay to make mistakes, stop crying over performances. hahaha

That's it. I don't really know what else to put. hahaha

on Friday, March 29, 2013
I don't know what's wrong with me these days. Especially this summer. I can't seem to sleep!? ugghh. Been going on for like 4 days now. I now sleep around 1am to 2am, where was this when I needed it during school days?!

So anyway, since I'm so bored, this is a random bored post.
Holy week for me is so boring and uneventful. I envy my friends and churchmates who are at family camp right now :( I wish I was there. I wanna go home now. Haay.
But I have to do better on piano before I can go home and relax. I will not repeat the same mistake last sem. Tsk. I hope I can do this. Soo, I don't have anything specific going on.
I'm glad I'm turning 2nd year now, I really hope I pass NSTP. Gosh. I hate NSTP. I never knew I could hate a subject(not even a subject) so much. I'm going to go nuts if I don't pass that. UGH.
I feel kind of envious with my other batchmates. I mean, they're going in to their 3rd year next sem and I'm still going to my 2nd. It's kind of a bummer for me. I'm so behind in many ways. They're gonna graduate soon and I have 4 more years to go. Plus I'm going to take my masters after I graduate. I don't want to think too much about it. I just wanna enjoy my student life for now. hahaha.

Okay. I guess that's it. Wow. This is so nonesense. hahaha. Kbye :D
on Thursday, March 21, 2013
Hi guys, it's been a long time since I posted. Really long time. Finally the stress and pressure is over and I made it to St. Scholastica's College for a year now! I can't believe a school year has passed, it feels so weird but nice. Time really flies sooo fast.

In my experience in St. Scho, I learned a lot and met a lot of nice people! I think I have changed a little through out the school year. I became less lazy, I started thinking about other people in terms of their talents and attitudes, I'm becoming less passive too. I'm so happy to have met great friends in school, they make bad times seem worthwhile. Hideki's going back to Japan for good now, that's quite sad for us. I learned a lot from Deki, I hope he does good in Japan. I will surely miss him. hahaha

I now know what to do in the next school year. I must not make minor subjects major. It's really hard to find time to practice if I do that. And I must really practice whenever I can! So yeah, I'm excited for the next sem. I will show them what I can do, that I can also be good in piano. I will also improve on my confidence cause it's messing up with my talent in piano, I can't be the best I can if I'm so shy. hehehe. I must be the performer! hehehe

So this summer, I'm not going home yet. I shall practice piano so I'll be advance! hahaha.
on Monday, March 11, 2013
So this is just short, I just feel like blogging in the middle of my break from practice.
I am so pressured right now that I could cry. Applied exams are next week and I don't memorize me pieces. Ugh. How did I memorize my pieces last sem!? I hate feeling stressed. I just want this sem to finish now. Huhuhu. There's just a lot of extra stuff this sem. SOM chorale, PREDIS, Comm arts paper, NSTP and P.E. stuff. Ugh. I guess I didn't manage my time well. But my weakness really is memorization. Another factor may be that my pieces are harder and longer so it's really difficult to memorize :(

I hope I can do this. I know with God, anything is possible! I'll just do my best and God will do the rest. Wooh! :D